

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 1
    外部: 1309
    国内: 1011
    国外: 299


    内部: 0
    外部: 265
    国内: 241
    国外: 24


    内部: 0
    外部: 73
    国内: 68
    国外: 5



1. 生活有机垃圾厌氧发酵联产氢气和甲烷 [6781]
2. Sequential anaerobic fermentative production of hydrogen and metha.. [1268]
3. Degradation characteristics of food waste by anaerobic hydrogen pr.. [1171]
4. Experiment on operation paramenters and function of microbial fuel.. [685]
5. Semi-dry mesophilic anaerobic digestion of water sorted organic fr.. [664]
6. Study on operation paramenters and function of microbial fuel cell [559]
7. History, status and developing strategy of anaerobic fermentation(.. [542]
8. 厌氧发酵制备生物燃气过程的物质与能量转化效率 [468]
9. 能源草厌氧发酵产气性能与动力学分析 [412]
10. 玉米秸秆与废弃白菜的混合青贮品质及产沼气能力分析 [385]
11. 四种能源草中黄酮类物质的定性研究 [375]
12. 硫酸盐对厌氧降解糖蜜酒精废水的影响机理及处理工艺研究进展 [374]
13. Effect of microalgae supplementation on the silage quality and ana.. [369]
14. 大型海藻厌氧发酵特性研究 [368]
15. F/M及HRT对果蔬垃圾厌氧发酵产氢的影响 [368]
16. Structural insights reveal the effective Spirulina platensis cell .. [367]
17. 三种能源草厌氧发酵制备生物燃气初步研究 [366]
18. 几种轻工业加工废弃物厌氧发酵制取生物燃气潜力研究 [365]
19. 两段式生物脱硫工艺对沼气中H2S去除效果的实验研究 [354]
20. 杂交狼尾草厌氧发酵的物质与能量转化率分析 [353]
21. 基于原料组分的能源草厌氧发酵产气预测模型 [351]
22. Anaerobic digestion of corn straw pretreated by ultrasonic combine.. [344]
23. 二价铁离子对糖蜜酒精废水厌氧发酵的影响 [343]
24. 杂交狼尾草厌氧发酵的物质与能量转化率分析 [327]
25. Assessment of pretreatment and digestion temperature on anaerobic .. [318]
26. 车用生物燃气工程范例余热定量评估及可利用性分析 [313]
27. 纤维质原料高浓度酶解技术研究现状及机理分析 [311]
28. Enhancement of the energy yield from microalgae via enzymatic pret.. [306]
29. 生物质能研究现状及未来发展策略 [303]
30. Vertical distribution of microbial community and metabolic pathway.. [302]
31. State indicators of anaerobic digestion: A critical review on proc.. [300]
32. 青贮玉米秸秆与牛粪混合厌氧消化产气性能的试验研究 [296]
33. The effect of enzyme loading, alcohol/acid ratio and temperature o.. [294]
34. 电沉积制备MnO2催化剂及其在微生物燃料电池中的应用 [288]
35. Effects of fermentative and non-fermentative additives on silage q.. [278]
36. A perspective on decarbonizing whiskey using renewable gaseous bio.. [278]
37. Comparison of Low-Temperature Alkali/Urea Pretreatments for Ethano.. [278]
38. Optimization of liquid hot water pretreatment on Hybrid Pennisetum.. [277]
39. Application of surface-modified carbon powder in microbial fuel ce.. [275]
40. Performance evaluation and microbial community analysis of microae.. [275]
41. In situ deep eutectic solvent pretreatment to improve lignin remov.. [274]
42. Inhibition Effect of Sodium Concentrations on the Anaerobic Digest.. [271]
43. Predictive Modelling of Sugar Release from Blended Garden Wastes i.. [270]
44. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis for effective lipid extractio.. [267]
45. Bioaugmentation to enhance anaerobic digestion of food waste: Dosa.. [262]
46. BTX production from rice husk by fast catalytic pyrolysis over a G.. [256]
47. Effect of salinity on the microbial community and performance on a.. [249]
48. 预处理方式对多年生王草厌氧消化性能的影响 [248]
49. 水分选有机垃圾三种总固体厌氧消化产甲烷 [247]
50. Effect of Organic Loading Rate and Temperature on the Anaerobic Di.. [244]
51. A reused method for molasses-processed wastewater: Effect on silag.. [241]
52. Novel thermodynamic early warning method for anaerobic digestion f.. [238]
53. 生物强化在厌氧发酵过程中的应用进展 [235]
54. The effect of mechanical pretreatment on the anaerobic digestion o.. [232]
55. Near complete valorisation of Hybrid pennisetum to biomethane and .. [232]
56. Effect of Biochar Addition on the Microbial Community and Methane .. [232]
57. Pd nanochains: Controlled synthesis by lysine and application in m.. [229]
58. Fe-N-C Composite Catalyst Derived from Solid Digestate for the Oxy.. [229]
59. 稻草与猪粪连续混合厌氧消化制备生物燃气研究 [228]
60. Anaerobic fermentation of hybridPennisetummixed with fruit and veg.. [227]
61. 海藻资源能源转化技术研究进展 [226]
62. Enhanced methane production from anaerobic digestion of hybrid Pen.. [223]
63. Optimizing Waste Heat Utilization in Vehicle Bio-Methane Plants [222]
64. Leachate recirculation effects on solid-state anaerobic digestion .. [222]
65. Anaerobic co-digestion of Pennisetum hybrid and pig manure: A comp.. [221]
66. Preparation of Pt-Ru/C as an Oxygen-Reduction Electrocatalyst in M.. [220]
67. One-pot pyrolysis route to Fe-N-Doped carbon nanosheets with outst.. [220]
68. 添加晶种对沼气发酵液磷回收的影响研究 [218]
69. A two-phase synthesis of metal sulfide-gold nanocomposites [215]
70. 葡萄糖浓度对微生物燃料电池产电性能的影响 [214]
71. Comparison of dry and wet milling pre-treatment methods for improv.. [213]
72. 预处理对杂交狼尾草厌氧发酵性能的影响 [213]
73. 以沼液为原料的微生物燃料电池产电降解特性 [213]
74. 微生物燃料电池非生物阴极催化剂的研究进展 [210]
75. Enhancement mechanisms of iron powder on co-digestion of kitchen w.. [210]
76. A methanol-choline chloride based deep eutectic solvent enhances t.. [208]
77. applicationofsurfacemodifiedcarbonpowderinmicrobialfuelcells [207]
78. 高通量测序技术辅助筛选脱硫菌 [207]
79. Digestion Performance and Microbial Metabolic Mechanism in Thermop.. [207]
80. 不同预处理方式对柳枝稷厌氧发酵性能的影响 [206]
81. Comparison of microbial communities during anaerobic digestion of .. [204]
82. Comparison of dry and wet milling pre-treatment methods for improv.. [203]
83. Assessment of Coproduction of Ethanol and Methane from Pennisetum .. [203]
84. Enhancing the Co-ensiling Performance of Corn Stover and Cabbage W.. [203]
85. Continuous anaerobic digestion of food waste and design of digeste.. [196]
86. 不同膜微生物燃料电池的性能 [196]
87. 炭载Pt-P催化剂对甲醇氧化的电催化性能研究 [191]
88. 微生物燃料电池中株产电菌citrobacterfreundii的分离及特性研究 [188]
89. Depolymerization of holocellulose from Chinese herb residues by th.. [188]
90. 梧州市生活垃圾高固体厌氧发酵产甲烷 [187]
91. Core-shell Au-Pd nanoparticles as cathode catalysts for microbial .. [185]
92. Improving methane production from Pennisetum hybrid by monitoring .. [185]
93. 有机垃圾组分中温厌氧消化产甲烷动力学研究 [184]
94. Bioaugmentation for overloaded anaerobic digestion recovery with a.. [184]
95. Effects of ammonia on propionate degradation and microbial communi.. [183]
96. 炭载Pt—P催化剂对甲醇氧化的电催化性能研究 [183]
97. Hydrolysis dynamics for batch anaerobic digestion of elephant gras.. [182]
98. 刈割时间对杂交狼尾草成分及厌氧发酵性能影响试验 [181]
99. 微生物燃料电池中底物的研究进展 [176]
100. Assessment of enzyme addition strategies on the enhancement of lip.. [174]