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Alternative TitleStudy on Anaerobic Digestion Performance of Three Kinds of Perennial Energy Grasses from South China Area
牛红志1,2; 李连华1; 孔晓英1; 孙永明1; 袁振宏1; 周贤友
Source Publication新能源进展
AbstractThe three kinds of energy grasses: Pennisetum purpureu, Miscanthus sinensis and Miscanthus floridulus from the Southchina area were conducted for biogas by using batch anaerobic digestion technical process at mesophilic temperature (35±1℃), in this p
Other Abstract以华南地区生长的多年生草本植物象草、芒草和五节芒为原料,采用序批式中温(35±1℃)厌氧发酵工艺,研究这三种能源草制备生物燃气的性能。结果表明:象草、芒草和五节芒的最高日产气率分别为31.33、24.84和19.51 Nml·(gVSadded)^-1·d^-1,原料产气率分别为355.78、285.58和235.38 Nml·(gVSadded)^-1,产甲烷率分别为166.43、109.89和97.20 Nml·(gVSadded)^-1,占理论产甲烷
Keyword能源草 厌氧发酵 生物燃气 甲烷
Funding Organization国家高技术研究发展计划(2012AA101802);中国科学院重点部署项目(KGZD-EW-304-1);中国科学院院地合作项目
Document Type期刊论文
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
牛红志,李连华,孔晓英,等. 三种能源草厌氧发酵制备生物燃气初步研究[J]. 新能源进展,2015(3):191-196.
APA 牛红志,李连华,孔晓英,孙永明,袁振宏,&周贤友.(2015).三种能源草厌氧发酵制备生物燃气初步研究.新能源进展(3),191-196.
MLA 牛红志,et al."三种能源草厌氧发酵制备生物燃气初步研究".新能源进展 .3(2015):191-196.
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