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Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose/Inorganic Gel of Bentonite Composite by In Situ Modification
Wang, Bo1,3; Qi, Gao-xiang1,3; Huang, Chao1,2; Yang, Xiao-Yan1,3; Zhang, Hai-Rong1,2; Luo, Jun1,2; Chen, Xue-Fang1,2; Xiong, Lian1,2; Chen, Xin-De1,2
AbstractTo evaluate the possibility of Bacterial cellulose/Inorganic Gel of Bentonite (BC/IGB) composite production using in situ method, the BC/IGB composite was successfully produced by in situ modification of BC in both HS medium and corncob hydrolysate. The results showed that the BC/IGB composite obtained in HS medium (one classical medium for BC production) had a higher water holding capacity, but the water retention capacity of the BC/IGB composite obtained in corncob hydrolysate was better. The performance of BC/IGB composite depended on the environment of in situ modification. Using different media showed significant influence on the sugar utilization and BC yield. In addition, BC/IGB composite produced by in situ method was compared with that produced by ex situ method, and the results shows that water holding capacity of BC/IGB composite obtained through in situ method was better. XRD results showed the crystallinity of BC/IGB composite related little to its performance as water absorbent. Overall, in situ modification is appropriate for further production of BC composite and other clay materials.
KeywordBacterial Cellulose Inorganic Gel Of Bentonite In Situ Modification Water Holding Capacity
WOS HeadingsScience & Technology ; Life Sciences & Biomedicine
WOS Subject ExtendedBiotechnology & Applied Microbiology ; Microbiology
Indexed BySCI
WOS SubjectBiotechnology & Applied Microbiology ; Microbiology
WOS IDWOS:000375783000008
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Cited Times:12[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy, 2 Nengyuan Rd, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, R&D Ctr Xuyi Attapulgite Appl Technol, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Xuyi 211700, Peoples R China
3.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Wang, Bo,Qi, Gao-xiang,Huang, Chao,et al. Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose/Inorganic Gel of Bentonite Composite by In Situ Modification[J]. INDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,2016,56(1):72-79.
APA Wang, Bo.,Qi, Gao-xiang.,Huang, Chao.,Yang, Xiao-Yan.,Zhang, Hai-Rong.,...&Chen, Xin-De.(2016).Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose/Inorganic Gel of Bentonite Composite by In Situ Modification.INDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,56(1),72-79.
MLA Wang, Bo,et al."Preparation of Bacterial Cellulose/Inorganic Gel of Bentonite Composite by In Situ Modification".INDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY 56.1(2016):72-79.
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