GIEC OpenIR  > 中国科学院广州能源研究所
Alternative TitleInteraction of linear waves with horizontal circular cylinders In a two-layer fluid
Thesis Advisor郑永红
Degree Grantor中国科学院广州能源研究所
Place of Conferral广州能源研究所
Degree Name硕士
Keyword正向波 解析方法 数值方法 圆柱体 矩形结构体
Abstract水波与结构物相互作用的水动力学分析是研究海洋结构物在波浪作用下的动态响应的理论基础。本文通过简化的二维模型近似模拟三维问题,采用解析和数值方法分别求解实际的分层海洋流体中正向波与结构物的相互作用。 本论文分以下几个部分:第一章主要介绍了研究分层流中正向波与结构物的背景及现实意义,并对正向波与结构物相互作用的研究现状进行了总结。第二章应用解析方法(多极子展开)分析了相对简单的无限水深分层流体中正向波与单个水平淹没圆柱体的相互作用,随后在此基础上将问题延伸到多个水平淹没圆柱体的情况。第三章应用数值模拟方法(边界元)解决分层流中正向波与结构物作用的水动力学问题。第四章重点分析了多个圆柱体和矩形结构体在正向波作用下的水动力学特性,以及不同工况下正向波与几种不同形状浮体相互作用下的水动力学参数的变化规律。最后总结了主要理论成果及展望后续的研究工作。 本文将多极子展开方法应用于求解分层流体中波浪与水平圆柱结构物的相互作用, 研究表明作用在双淹没圆柱体上的波浪力大小跟圆柱体位于那层流体中有关; 而对于淹没四个圆柱体的情况,在低频和高频区新增两个圆柱体对原先两圆柱波浪力的影响比较小,而在中频区影响却非常明显,对于透反射能量的影响则与圆柱体位于那层流体中以及入射波的模态都有紧密的关系。在采用边界元方法研究分层流中任意形状截面浮体的水动力学特性中,发现相对宽度、淹没深度以及两层密度之比等几何或物理参数的改变对不同形状浮体的波浪力都有很大的影响,而且两矩形浮体所受波浪力随着它们间距的增大而周期性的变化,这些新研究结果对设计海洋结构物具有重要的参考价值。
Other AbstractThe hydrodynamic research on water wave and structures is the theoretic base of dynamic response of oceanic structure. In this article, the simplified two-dimensional model is introduced to simulate three-dimensional structures approximately. Analytical and numerical methods are used respectively to solve the problem of the interaction of linear waves with structures in a two-layer fluid of infinite depth. First of all, the background and significance on the interaction of linear waves with structures in a two-layer fluid are introduced in Chapter 1, and then the research progress is presented. In Chapter 2 the interaction between linear waves and a single horizontal circular cylinder is investigated by use of an analytic method (multipole expansion method), and then extended to an array of infinitely horizontal circular cylinders with linear waves. In Chapter 3 the numerical method (boundary element method) is presented to solve the radiation and diffraction of linear waves with structures. In Chapter 4 the computational results are emphasized on the interaction of linear waves with an array of infinitely horizontal circular cylinders and rectangular cylinders, and some arbitrary shape cylinder on different geometrical and physical conditions. Conclusions and perspectives are presented in the end. In this article the interaction of liner waves with horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid was solved by use of the multipole expansion method, and we find the forces on two circular cylinders is determined by the located layer of the fluid, the influences of the added two cylinders on the forces of the former two cylinders are small in low and high incident wave frequency, but in the intermediate incident wave frequency, their influence may be appreciable, the effect of reflection and transmission energies is related with the located layer of the fluid and the incident wave mode; then the boundary element method is used to treat the problem on cylinders of arbitrary shape, and we get that the forces on the cylinder is related with the relative width、submerged depth and the density ratio, and the oscillations of wave forces can be found on two submerged rectangular cylinders, those new research results are useful for the design of ocean structures.
Document Type学位论文
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
冯波. 分层流体中正向波与柱形结构物的相互作用[D]. 广州能源研究所. 中国科学院广州能源研究所,2007.
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