Control on the Morphology of ABA Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Micelles in Dioxane/Water Mixture Solvent
Gan, Yuan1,2,3; Wang, Zhi-Da1,2; Lu, Zhuo-Xin1,2; Shi, Yan1,2; Tan, Hong-Yi1,2; Yan, Chang-Feng1,2,3
Corresponding AuthorWang, Zhi-Da( ; Yan, Chang-Feng(
AbstractThis work offers a typical understanding of the factors that govern the nanostructures of poly(4-vinyl pyridine)-b-polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (P4VP-b-PS-b-P4VP) block copolymers (BCs) in dioxane/water, in which water is a selective solvent for the P4VP block. It is achieved through an investigation of the amphiphilic triblock copolymer micelles by variation of three different factors, including water content (above CWC but under the immobile concentration), temperature (ranging from 20 A degrees C to 80 A degrees C), and copolymer composition (low and high PS block length). Transition of bead-like micelles to vesicles is observed with the increase of water content due to the increase of interfacial energy between the copolymer and the solvent. Effect of temperature superposed on that of water content results in various morphologies, such as beads, fibers, rods, capsules, toroids, lamellae, and vesicles. The interfacial tension between the BC and the solvent increases with the increase of water content but decreases with the increase of temperature, indicating that the micellar morphologies are resulted from the competitive interplay between the temperature and the water content and always change in a direction that decreases the interfacial energy. Based on the micellar structures obtained in this work and the effects of temperature superposed on water concentration, a diagram of phase evolution of different micellar morphologies is illustrated here, covering the temperature range from 20 A degrees C to 80 A degrees C and the water content changing from 20 vol% to 35 vol%. For the investigation of BC composition, morphological transition of vesicle-to-fiber, for high PS length, is observed as compared with bead-to-capsule for low PS length, as the temperature changes from 20 A degrees C to 80 A degrees C. Our research complements the protocols to control over the morphologies and the phase diagram describing P4VP-b-PS-b-P4VP micellar nanostructures in aqueous solution.
KeywordMicelles Morphological control Self-assembly Block copolymer
Indexed BySCI
Funding ProjectKey Lab of Renewable Energy Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences[Y609JK1001] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China for Major Program[51433009] ; National Natural Science Foundation of China for Major Program[51576201] ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong[2015A030313716] ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong for Research Team[2015A030312007] ; Guangdong Science and Technology Project[2013B050800007] ; Guangdong Science and Technology Project[2013J4500027]
WOS Research AreaPolymer Science
Funding OrganizationKey Lab of Renewable Energy Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences ; National Natural Science Foundation of China for Major Program ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong ; Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong for Research Team ; Guangdong Science and Technology Project
WOS SubjectPolymer Science
WOS IDWOS:000431664900006
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Cited Times:5[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorWang, Zhi-Da; Yan, Chang-Feng
Affiliation1.Chinese Acad Sci, Guangzhou Inst Energy Convers, Key Lab Renewable Energy, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
2.Guangdong Key Lab New & Renewable Energy Res & De, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China
3.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
First Author AffilicationGuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Gan, Yuan,Wang, Zhi-Da,Lu, Zhuo-Xin,et al. Control on the Morphology of ABA Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Micelles in Dioxane/Water Mixture Solvent[J]. CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,2018,36(6):728-735.
APA Gan, Yuan,Wang, Zhi-Da,Lu, Zhuo-Xin,Shi, Yan,Tan, Hong-Yi,&Yan, Chang-Feng.(2018).Control on the Morphology of ABA Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Micelles in Dioxane/Water Mixture Solvent.CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE,36(6),728-735.
MLA Gan, Yuan,et al."Control on the Morphology of ABA Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer Micelles in Dioxane/Water Mixture Solvent".CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE 36.6(2018):728-735.
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